Recent Successes

The swimmers in our club achieve great results at many different levels - be that Local, County, Regional, National or International. There are also a number of Club Honours which have been a real team effort, so these are just as important.  Please note that due to the lack of records, we have only been able to go back to the year 2000 with complete information.

National Champions

2019 - Ella Bainbridge, Madison Johnson, Hannah Newnham, Ajay Scott and Chantelle Waugh

See all the details on the Dartes website on full results  

2018 - Hannah Newnham - 200m Butterfly (6th)

Chantelle Waugh - 400m IM (7th)

See all the details on the Dartes website on full results 

2017 - Lucy Clarke - 800m Free (1st), 400m Free (6th)

Simon Kliment - 200m Backstroke (5th)

Hannah Newnham - 400m I.Medley (9th)

Harvey Williamson - 50m Free (9th)

Chantelle Waugh - 200m Butterfly (9th)

Tilly Arrand - 100m Backstroke (3rd)

2016 - Jarvis Parkinson - 100m Breaststroke (3rd),  100m Free (2nd), 100m Butterfly (9th), I.Medley 200m (4th)

Tilly Arrand - 100m Butterfly (6th), 200m Butterfly (7th), 800m Free (9th)

Lucy Clarke - 400m Free (7th), 800m Free (4th)

Chantelle Waugh - 400m Free (9th), 800m Free (2nd)

Simon Kliment - 200m I.Medley (6th) , 400m Free (3rd)

Georgia Wright - 100m Backstroke (4th)

Charlotte Howard - 100m Backstroke (8th) 

2013 - Jarvis Parkinson (14 years) - 200m IM, 400m IM, 200m free

2012 - Jarvis Parkinson (13 years) - 200m IM & 400m IM

David Holmes (Masters) - 200 fly, 200 free

2011 - David Holmes (Masters) - 100m & 200m free

Tina Wilson (Masters) - 100m IM

Pre 2000 - 

Greg Viercant

Trevor Eland

National Championship Finalists

2013 - Jarvis Parkinson (14 years) - 100 free (2nd), 100 fly (3rd), 100 back (5th), 400 free (3rd)

2012 - Jarvis Parkinson (13 years) - 200 free (2nd), 100 free (2nd), 100 breast (3rd), 100 fly (4th), 100 back (7th)

2012 - Alex Pollard (13 years) - 200 back (2nd), 100 back (6th)

2012 - David Holmes (Masters) - 400 IM (2nd), 100 breast (4th)

2012 - Tina Wilson (Masters) - 50m free (3rd)

2011 - David Holmes (Masters) - 100 fly (2nd), 100IM (3rd)

2011 - Tina Wilson (Masters) - 200IM (2nd), 50 & 100free (2nd), 100 back (3rd), 50 fly (3rd)

2009 - Sophie Taylor - 100 breast (3rd), 200 breast (4th)

2008 - Sophie Taylor - 100 breast (4th), 200 breast (4th)

2007 - Mollie Grayson - 100 back (2nd), 200 back (4th), 100 free 8th, 200 free (9th)

1998 - David Holmes (16 years) - 50 free (6th)

1997 - David Holmes (15 years) - 50 free (5th), 100 fly (8th)

Pre 2000 - Alistair Bates (2nd & 5th)

Pre 2000 - James Male (5th twice & 7th)

National Championship Qualifiers

We have recorded the successful qualifiers for the years 2011 - 2017 in the Honours section of this website.

If you read through the lists above you will notice that a lot of these swimmers do not train at Armthorpe. Why is that?? Well, to achieve NER and National times you really need to be doing more than 3 sessions a week! Training at DARTES is the way to go if you have ambitions of achieving these standards. But, that said, simply showing up at training will not get you these rewards. It can take years of training hard week in, week out to improve! Swimming is a tough sport!! Well done again to all those listed above. Keep up the good work!!

If you do not appear on the list, but think you have achieved any one of the above, or know someone else who has, then please e-mail Dave 

2015  - From left to right: Lucy Clarke, Harvey Williamson, Tilly Arrand, Jarvis Parkinson, Charlotte Howard, Simon Kliment, and Georgia Wright

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to qualify for the Nationals so a big well done. Congratulations for making the squad and good luck to all of you in the Championships.