Don't be Confused! Parents often ask 'What types of Swim Galas are there?'

Simply put there are many different types of swimming galas and they all have different entry requirements. It is important to be aware that ALL galas, from time trials through to the Nationals, are swum under Swim England rules.

Club Time Trials

Perhaps the first type of “gala” a young swimmer will encounter is a Club time trial session. These are held a few times per year. This session is run like a gala except there are no awards made for fast swimming. Swimmers are put into heats with others of their own ability and asked to swim the required stroke and distance as fast as they can. The times are recorded by a Club official and can then be used by coaches when selecting teams for league galas.

This is also the first opportunity a young swimmer will have of ascertaining their swimming times so start recording their times in a log book or spreadsheet. Not only is it beneficial to the swimmer to see their progress, the need for a log book showing personal best times (PBs).

Club Novice Galas

The first proper gala to be encountered is a Club Novice Gala. These galas are open to novice swimmers. There is an entry form which will need to be completed and a small charge per event entered. 

Swimmers only need to identify which events they wish to compete in – they do not have to put any entry times on the form as they will be put into heats by the coach.

Awards are made to the top six swimmers in each event and a trophy is awarded to the top boy and top girl in each age group. 

Once a swimmer has won an award in an event, they are not permitted to enter that event again in a Club Novice Gala.

Open Novice Galas

These galas are run along the same lines as the Club Novice Galas except that they are open to entry by swimmers from many different clubs.

The host club usually sends information to all clubs a couple of months in advance – this information is then distributed to the appropriate swimmers. 

Open Novice Galas usually have an age limit i.e. 9 – 13 year olds. Events are usually one length sprints and no entry times are required on the entry form as swimmers will just be sorted into heats. 

There is always a charge per event entered and this is determined by the host club.

Awards are usually made to the fastest six swimmers in each age group in each event and there are usually top boy and top girl awards. 

As with the Club Novice Galas, once a swimmer has won an award in an event, they are not permitted to enter that event again.

Schofield Club Championships

The annual Club Championships are open to members of Kingfishers Swimming club.

The Club Champs are run according to ASA Laws and Technical Rules which means swimmers will be disqualified for technical faults, false starts etc. 

This will not apply to C Squad as they are still learning correct stroke technique – disqualification could be very disheartening.

Medals are awarded. 

A Club Presentation Evening takes place in December.

Schofield's Club Championship

Warm- up session

Licensed Open Meets

British Swimming and the Amateur Swimming Association operate a licensing system for open meets as follows:


A gala licensed at this level will be aimed at very competent, fast swimmers who regularly compete at County level and above.

The gala will, quite often, be swum long course (i.e. in a 50m pool) and the required entry times will be challenging. 

Times from these meets can be used for entry into Regional and National competitions.


Entry times can still be quite challenging. They will have a lower (slowest) limit for event entry times which means swimmers must be faster than the lower limit to enter the event. Some have an upper (fastest) and lower (slowest) limit for each event. 

This means that swimmers must be faster than the lower limit but not faster than the upper limit. 

They are usually swum short course (i.e. 25m pool).

 Times from these meets can also be used for entry into Regional and National competitions.


These galas are of a slightly lower level and, as such, the entry times are easier.

 They usually have upper and lower limits for entry times (as for Level 2 meets) but the range between the times will be broader. 

They are always swum short course. 

Times from these meets can be used for entry into County competitions and some Regional competitions, but not National competitions.


These galas are suitable for swimmers wishing to enter their first Open meet. 

Entry times will have upper and lower limits and the range between the times will be quite broad. 

These Licensed 4 Open Meets are aimed at swimmers who have not yet achieved County times and are a very good way to experience a busy open gala.

Open Meets – General Information

Open Meets are known as “Opens” due to the fact that entry is open to any swimmer, from any club, who meets the qualifying times and age requirements. They are busy galas with anywhere between 200 and 300 (sometimes more!) swimmers in attendance. To enable as many events and swimmers as possible, Opens are held over one whole day of the weekend, usually Sunday. However, some large Level 1 and Level 2 meets are held over a whole weekend with the long distance events (800m and 1500m freestyle) being held on the Friday evening.

All Open meets have an entry form which needs to be completed by each swimmer and all host clubs charge a fee per event entered, sometimes as much as £6.00 per event. Hiring a pool for a whole weekend and hosting an open meet is extremely costly which is why host clubs charge entry fees. Swimmers’ entry times are required for each event and these must be shown on the entry form. The host club always provides a schedule of qualifying times and swimmers must ensure they meet these times before entering the gala.

Swimmers are seeded into heats for each event from the slowest to the fastest using their entry times. Usually the ages are mixed but events will always be separated into male and female. Sometimes there is a separate event for each age group in each stroke. Awards are made to the fastest swimmers in each event and age group – sometimes the first three, sometimes the first six.

Taking part in an open meet can bring a swimmer a great sense of achievement, especially if he or she achieves a PB in one or more events. There is usually a team entered from the Club which makes for a social occasion and swimmers start to recognise and get to know swimmers from other clubs. Parents can also get to know one another by sitting together to cheer for their children.


At some large open meets there are finals of each event.

These are always split into boys and girls and are usually per age grouping. 

The swimmers who will take part in a final are decided after all the heats of each event have been swum. 

They will be the swimmers who have posted the six (eight or ten depending on the number of lanes in the pool) fastest times in each age grouping in each event. 

These swimmers will be the ones receiving the awards – sometimes awards are presented to all finalists, but it could just be the fastest three in each final. 

If a swimmers does not make it into a final, he or she will not be receiving an award even if they won their heat.

Long Course and Short Course Galas

There are two modern pool lengths as follows:

When host clubs advertise an open meet they will specify whether it will be a “short course” gala or a “long course” gala i.e. swum in a 25m pool or a 50m pool. On the entry forms you will be asked to submit either short or long course times or sometimes they just ask for “all times to be 25m times”. This does not mean that they want the times for just 25m or 50m of each event but rather the times for each whole event when swum in a pool of 25m or 50m in length.

Sometimes host clubs ask for short course times even if the gala is to be swum long course, and they will use the short course times when seeding the heats. On other occasions you will need to convert the short course times to long course times before submitting them on the entry form. Times will need to be converted to 50m times for entry into Regional and National competitions.

To provide assistance when converting times, the Pullbuoy website has a feature for converting times from short course to long course, and vice versa.

League Galas

At present the Club participates in the Barnsley Minors League (BML)

Heat Declared Winner (HDW)

This term is used for events where there is no final. It means that awards will be decided after all the heats for an event have been swum.

 At most open meets age groups are mixed together in speed order in each event so results will be split into age groupings before any winners are decided. 

Confusion sometimes arises with heat declared winner events: it is NOT the winner of each HEAT who wins an award but rather the fastest three (or six) swimmers of each AGE GROUP of each EVENT after all the heats have been swum.

County Championships

Each year, County Championships are normally held at either Ponds Forge or John Charles Centre Leeds. 

They are swum short course (25m pool) or long course (50m) depending upon the venue and the events are open to swimmers aged from 9 years from any club.

 There are some restrictions concerning eligibility as follows:

Kingfishers encourages eligible swimmers to enter these Championships, even for one event, as valuable experience is gained by competing against the best swimmers in Yorkshire. 

Entry forms are handed out to eligible swimmers and coaches are happy to discuss entry times if needed. There is an entry fee per event. 

The championships include relay teams which will be chosen by the coaches. 

National Championships

The highest level of competition (apart from swimming for your country of course!) is the British ASA National Championships held each year at Ponds Forge, Sheffield.

This level 1 competition (swum long course) is split into the same age ranges as the regional championships. The galas are held over many days at the end of July and beginning of August.

Qualifying times are extremely fast and, as with regional championships, swimmers must prove they have achieved the time by stating where and when it was achieved. 

All entries are checked by the ASA against the British Swimming database.

A swimmer who achieves even one National time should feel extremely proud of themselves.

Ponds Forge Sheffield

British Swimming Rankings Database

British Swimming and the ASA operate a database which shows, among other things, a swimmer’s personal best times for the current 12 month period. Every time a swimmer competes in a licensed open meet their time in each event, provided it is a PB, will be entered on the database along with the date, name of the gala and the venue.

Swimmers can enter their ASA number on the Individual Rankings database to find a list of their personal best times, and double check their eligibility for entering open meets and county, regional and national championships.

Swimmers can also check the Event Rankings database to see where they are placed in their age group for each stroke within the county, region and nationally, and monitor their progress.