Competition Results & Reports 2023
Very, very early on a snowy Sunday morning 3rd December, 25 intrepid Kingfishers (and their even more intrepid and long suffering band of supporters) set off for the John Charles Centre, Leeds, for the annual DARTES Christmas meet…
It was always going to be a very good day!
Having got ourselves trimmed up with all manner of baubles, our swimmers set out on their mission to prove that “big things come in little parcels” - we may have been the smallest of the 13 clubs attending the meet, but we were, as always, very definitely the biggest in heart, spirit, endeavour and enthusiasm! There were lots of medals and lots of PBs as expected, lots of dancing and cheering, and collectively, Armthorpe achieved an excellent 3rd place out of the clubs that participated.
Armthorpe’s A team won the Senior Relay, and our Junior team were placed third - with double points up for grabs, these results certainly boosted our club’s overall score.
Special Top Girl and Top Boy Awards were presented to four of our swimmers:
11 year Girls - Emily Kirk (1/24)
12 year Girls - Maisy Ebbage (1/22)
13 year Boys - Lucas Johnson (1/11)
15 and over Girls - Paige Moore (1/21)
Well done, also, to Stephen Tuffrey (10 year Boys) and Sofia Sanders (11 year Girls) who gained second place, and to Ben Gilson (9 year Boys), Noah Burkill (10 year Boys) and Jennifer Powell (12 year Girls) who achieved third place.
We also had a number of swimmers who achieved the prestigious (but unpopular!) Speeding Tickets - awarded to swimmers who swim faster than the cut off times for an event! Speeding Tickets carry no points and therefore impact on swimmers’ overall points score. However, on the positive side, they do usually indicate a PB
For some of our younger swimmers, this was their very first big meet, following swiftly after our Schofield’s championships on Sunday 26th November. For others, it was a chance to try new events such as 100m races and the 200m Individual Medley. For some, it was a fond farewell to the Kingfishers, and we wish them well in the future. .
A highlight of the meet was Santa - who turned up, with his reindeers, to compete in a 50m dash…fully clothed. He was a tad disappointed when he got disqualified for swimming in the wrong lane, switching strokes part way up the first length and failing to control one of his reindeers which had demonstrated some rather unsavoury behaviour in response to the DQ - but that is a tale for another day. Santa was cheered to the rafters, and he deserves a medal for having the guts and stamina to do this!
It’s been a busy little year, bringing great successes:
Doncaster Club Champions - winners of the Bridon Shield
The Schofield’s Club Championships and Presentation Night
Runners up in the BML League 2 - maintaining our position in this league for another year.
Hatfield Water Park summer treat
Ava Burkill and Lucas Johnson have swum another of the lakes in the Lake District!
James Ellis is, currently, the fastest 11 year old Fly swimmer in England, setting a new Schofield’s Club record which has stood for over thirty years!
Sofia Sanders age 11, has, along with James, broken through to Yorkshire and NER qualifying.
A thriving Life Saving Club.
So… Sunday brought a lovely, Christmassy end to our swimming calendar! Many, many thanks to all those who have contributed, in any way, to the success of our fantastic club - our swimmers, their parents and families, coaches, team managers, committee, officials, and, particularly, Pete and Maureen - we wouldn’t be where we are without all of you!
The next scheduled Galas are as follows:
The BML Individual Championships on Sunday 14th January 2024
The Beverley Baracudas meet on Sunday 17th March 2024 - but watch this space, and our Facebook page - we are hoping to bring new and exciting experiences for all our swimmers in the coming year. The Gala calendar will be published as soon as it is available.
Wishing you a lovely Christmas and the happiest of new years.
The Kingfishers
North East Championship 2023
Four of our swimmers swam in the North East Counties Championship at Ponds Forge over the weekend.
Jack Jones swam in 4 events, Sofia Sanders swam in 7 events getting top 10 finishes in 200 Breast 9th and 50
Breast 6th. Millie Dey had 5 swims coming 10th in 50 and 100 Fly whilst James Ellis competed in 10 events getting Gold in 50 Back, 50 Fly, 100 Fly and 50 Free, Silver in 200 I/M, 100 Back, 100 I/M, 200 Back, 100 Free, and 7th in 50 Breast.
This is the largest haul of medals at these championships by any Armthorpe swimmer and currently makes James the fastest 11 year old boy in the country for 50 and 100 Butterfly.
A huge well done to all these swimmers who did themselves, their parents and Armthorpe Kingfishers proud.
Doncaster Mets Championships
L - R Georgie, Sofia, Lucas, James and Paige on becoming the top swimmer for their age group in Doncaster following the Mets championships.
“The Mets” Individual Championships. Adwick 21st/22nd October 2023.
Well - what a cracking performance over the two day Doncaster Individual Swimming Championships, held at Adwick over the weekend of 21st/22nd October! Armthorpe Kingfishers were out in force AGAIN, competing against the might of Doncaster DARTES, and three other local clubs namely Edlington, Adwick and Dearne Valley.
29 Armthorpe sWimmers aged 8-17+ were competing and to say that competition was very tight would be an understatement, but, yet again, Armthorpe’s fighting spirit won through! Totally unfazed by the fact that this competition showcases many of Doncaster’s best swimmers, our Kingfishers, cheered on by Kingsley the club mascot, put in some fantastic performances. PBs were smashed out of sight, some by over 11 seconds, and many medals were won across the two days. This is not an easy meet - swimmers aged 9 or 10 swim over 50m and those aged 11 and older swim over the 100m distance. Medals were awarded tthose swimmers finishing in the first six places.
Overall, Kingfishers won 81 Medals in total:
28 Gold Medals
11 Silver Medals
13 Bronze Medals
7 4th Place Medals
10 5th Place Medals
12 6th Place Medals
Incredibly, FIVE of our swimmers won the Top Boy or Top Girl Performer for their age group!
An ENORMOUS well done to:
Georgie Arnold Aged 10
James Ellis Aged 11
Sofia Sanders Aged 11
Lucas Stallard Aged 13
Paige Moore Aged 17 who also broke the Open girls 100 Front Crawl Mets Record with 1.04.37
The 11 year old Boys 100 Butterfly was the highlight of the meet with James Ellis breaking Max Lichfields 2006 record and recording the fastest time in the country with a swim of 1.12.84.
We are very proud of every swimmer who took part, and, as always, hugely grateful for the support of parents and friends who patiently suffer the heat, stress, tears and excitement of competitions. We are indebted to our coaches and team managers who put our swimmers through their paces three times a week and enabling them to achieve their best and giving them their chance to shine. Thank you!
Our next event needs no introduction - it is our annual Schofield’s Club Championships to be held at Adwick Leisure Centre on Sunday 26th November. You will want to be there!
September Sprints - John Charles Centre, Sunday September 10th 2023
Second place overall achieved - out of the 22 clubs!
If you thought that things couldn’t get any better for Armthorpe Kingfishers… well, they just did! Twenty-two swim clubs from all over the region, with upwards of four hundred swimmers, travelled to Leeds for the annual DARTES September Sprints, with all races over 50m plus the 100 IM. Armthorpe had 38 swimmers competing across A and B squads, age groups, boys and girls. For four swimmers, this was their very first competition - so they now have official times and their first PBS! Have no doubt - these will be the first of many!
There were 60 PBS altogether, including xxx brand new ones from the four “newbies”. 55 medals were achieved overall for swimmers finishing in the first three places of each event. Notable performances were abundant - but special mention has to go to the following swimmers who achieved places in the top three in the Top Girl / Top Boy categories:
Top Girl categories:
Aged 10 years (26 swimmers)
Georgie Arnold 2nd place (23 points)
Aged 11 years (34 swimmers)
Sofia Sanders 1st Place (24 points)
Maisy Ebbage 2nd place (23 points)
Top Boy categories:
Aged 9 years (10 swimmers)
Joshua Whiteley 3rd place (13 points)
Aged 10 years (22 swimmers)
Stephen Tuffrey 2nd place (22 points)
Seven swimmers got medals or a speeding ticket in at least 4 of their 5 races:
Georgie Arnold 10 year old girls (5)
Maisy Ebbage 11 year old girls (5)
James Ellis 11 year old boys(5)
Emily Kirk 10 year old girls (5)
Lucas Johnson 13 year old boys (4)
Rodger Murray 10 year old boys (4)
Stephen Tuffrey 10 year old boys (4)
There were eleven Speeding Tickets altogether… meaning that those swimmers swam faster than the permitted cut-off time for their grade. They are, therefore, like “hen’s teeth” ie very rare and much sought after!
The atmosphere and team spirit from the Armthorpe contingent, throughout the whole day (despite a 8.00am warm up… in Leeds for the morning swimmers) were each OUTSTANDING and all team managers, coaches and officials from the club could not have been more proud! A HUGE thank you once again, to all parents, relatives, carers and friends who supported us and cheered on our swimmers!
Our next meet will be the Doncaster METs - to be held at Adwick across the weekend afternoons of 21st / 22nd October 2023. Swimmers aged 11 years and upwards will swim each event over 100m, with younger age groups swimming over 50m, plus the 100m IM.
You won’t want to miss it!
Pete and Mary
Bridlington Seaside Special July 7 8 9th 2023
60 Armthorpe swims.
A fantastic venue with a panoramic view of the sea and a great cafe and facilities was the back drop to a well organised meet. Spectator seating tickets were snapped up quickly so those who arrived late on the first morning were a little disappointed, but this was the only negative (tickets were available again for the afternoon). Everyone at the club was very friendly and accommodating and it was good to see so many smiling faces. Doncaster had a good representation with Adwick and Edlington as well as our 11 swimmers who were all very well behaved and were a credit to both their parents and the club, so a big thank you to our swimmers!
Whilst the warm up took a full hour, with only 10 minutes for each category, one lane was permanently open for sprints to all swimmers which allowed time to soothe some last minute nerves on backstroke stroke count and perfecting their starts for example. The kids absolutely loved it with music on full blast during warm up! All kids who weren’t swimming, were dancing.
The breadth of events allowed the opportunity to try new swims and distances. 200m IM, 200m back, 200m free, as well as those trying 100m for the first time, gave a chance to develop confidence and race craft.
Whilst there will always be some disappointments for the swimmers, like not getting that time, or the medal they wanted, they all accepted the learning this offered. There was some learning for the coaches too to focus on starts, turns and finishes and a bit more stamina development would really help tweak an already strong group of swimmers. Our swimmers’ stroke technique is noticeably high quality against the rest of the field. There were some huge personal bests and a massive medal haul. The most sought after medal being the ‘speeding medal’! At last, a positive acknowledgment for swimming too fast!
Overall it was a fantastic weekend and definitely an event that we should return to and perhaps with a bigger contingent so we can enter the team relays… Thank you to the parents for taking the time to travel and your spectating endurance, and especially to the swimmers, who were all awesome! Well done.
Jonathan Tuffrey
This medal was the most sort after medal of the meet. Usually a swimmer who goes too fast gets a paper certificate. This medal was a beauty!!
BML Home Gala Results Adwick July 1st 2023
The final BML of this year was held at Adwick on Saturday 1st July. Our opposition was, as usual Barnsley, Wakefield and City of Sheffield swimming clubs. With second place pretty much guaranteed, barring absolute disaster, Armthorpe Kingfishers swimmers were, as ever, raring to go. By the half way point, we were solidly in second place, but, as last time, it all hinged on the final race - the canon. In this event, each team fields eight swimmers comprising four boys and four girls across all age groups: 10 years, 12 years, 14 years and open age. Despite their very best efforts, our canon team came in 3rd behind Sheffield and Wakefield. So… overall, we gained 3rd place in our “home” gala, ONE point behind Wakefield in second place. HOWEVER, our team’s consistent performance across all four galas, means that we gained SECOND place in our league, ensuring League 2 participation next year. This is a superb outcome for Armthorpe - a small, village club with a membership of just over 100 swimmers - competing against three city clubs with much larger memberships.
It has been a privilege to be part of Armthorpe Kingfishers during this gala season. Our team of around fifty swimmers have swum their hearts out, with some swimmers competing in multiple events. From eight year olds to eighteen year olds, everyone has played their part with determination, commitment and endeavour. Every one of them deserves our praise and recognition for their achievements. Their team spirit has been inspirational, and pride has shone from their faces.
Thank you AGAIN to our fantastic supporters who have cheered us on all the way, and to our club volunteers - team managers, coaches and officials, without whom none of this would be possible. – Mary Firth
I have delayed commenting on this gala as we had some queries regarding the eligibility of some swimmers from Wakefield and City of Sheffield. These have now been resolved and as you can see from the final results these have changed the final league positions with Wakefield being demoted and Barnsley remaining in Division 2. Our position of 2nd place remains unchanged.
I am very pleased with the performance of our teams over the 4 galas and to remain in this division is a good achievement. Individual times can be seen on our notice board and the overall points position is attached. - Pete

Scarborough Summer Splash @ Sports Village
Grace's Report
I was nervous because it was my first gala I went to on my own but everyone was so friendly and enjoyed it so much!
I got 5 PBs and got 2 medals and 2 speeding tickets overall. I am most proud of competing the 200 IM because I knocked 7 seconds off my original time. We got to watch a new race I have never seen called skins and it was a lot of fun.
I’d love to go back because it was so much fun and even got asked if I wanted to train with the Scarborough swimming club on a saturday due to us coming to Scarborough often.
Jorvik Sprints Leeds Saturday 17th June
The Jorvik Sprints were held at the John Charles Centre, Leeds, on Saturday 17th June. Armthorpe Kingfishers’ team was, once again, full of energy (despite the very early start for some!), enthusiasm and effort! This brilliant venue inspired our swimmers to some outstanding performances, with lots of medals, a fair number of PBs and an overall 3rd Place finish out of NINETEEN clubs - truly amazing from a small village club!
This was a HUGE Meet, with over 400 swimmers competing. Notwithstanding, there were some truly notable achievements in the Top Girl and Top Boy categories across a range of age groups:
Stephen Tuffrey - Top Boy in the age 9 Years category - 12 swimmers
Georgie Arnold - Top Girl, and Sophie Barley 3rd in the age 10 Years category - 25 swimmers
Laurence Chapman - Top Boy age 14 Years category - 26 swimmers
Alexander Drury 2nd in the age 10 Years Boys category - 16 swimmers
We see it as such a privilege to support, coach, team manage and officiate for this very special group of young people. At every training session and Meet, they always give 100% and are genuinely pleased, and share in, each others’ successes. The senior swimmers are fantastic role models for the younger ones, who benefit so much from seeing the commitment, positivity and focus shown by them.
Our next Meet is the final BML Team Gala, to be held at Adwick Leisure Centre on Saturday 1st July - with a 5.15pm warm up. We are currently in second position in our division - and fully expect to maintain that - hopefully closing the points gap between us and the City of Sheffield who lead the division.
Be there! We need your support! There’s plenty of room for spectators, so bring friends, grannies and granddads etc and come and cheer us on!
Thank you!
Jorvik Sprints Leeds
BML Division 2 Gala Round 3
Another fine performance coming 2nd at Barnsley.
Official results not yet through but from our officials poolside
City of Sheffield - 155
Armthorpe - 123
City of Wakefield - 113
Barnsley Metro - 93
Huge well done to all our swimmers
BML Division 2 Gala Round 2 Report
Final Result :
1st City of Sheffield - 154,
2nd Armthorpe - 120,
3rd City of Wakefield - 115,
4th Barnsley Metro - 99
This was another really good result for us. We had a few swimmers who were competing for the first time and they certainly did not let us down well done to everyone. I haven't got the the Individual times yet but when I do I will put them onto the Notice Board.
Our second BML Gala was held at Stocksbridge Leisure Centre, Sheffield on Sunday 7th May… and WOW… it was so CLOSE! From start to finish, our team worked its socks off, fighting for every point in a wonderful display of commitment and determination.
We were in second place, by ONE point, at the half way stage - with every swimmer giving 100%. Places were so tight at the finish, that the result hinged on the final race - the canon - where double points were up for grabs!
Undeterred, our canon swimmers went off like rockets and the result we needed was never in doubt for one minute… they came in second, securing SECOND place overall in the competition behind a VERY strong Sheffield team!
This win consolidated upon our overall second position at the half way stage of the BML League with two more galas to go.
Gala performances depend on hard work from a whole range of people. A massive thank you to our intrepid band of supporters, whose cheering, as always, kept us going - you were brilliant. Thanks also to our coach driver who navigated the hills and narrow roads of Stocksbridge with great skills and the occasional thrill, and got us there “in one piece”! Our team coaches / team managers once again delivered - as they always do - and their hard work is so much appreciated.
The next BML is on 3rd June at Dearneside, Barnsley - warm up 4.15pm. See you there!
Pete & Mary
DONCASTER METROPOLITAN TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP 2023 Bridon Shield Report and Results 2023

We are the champions!
Doncaster's Best
Bridon Shield Winners 2023
Mets Team Results 2023

John Harriman Competition Results from Sunday 23rd March at Adwick
Twenty four Armthorpe Kingfishers swimmers with massive amounts of determination andenthusiasm competed in this year’s Harriman’s Championships on Sunday 26th March at Adwick against swimmers from Adwick, DARTES, Edlington and Dearne swimming Clubs.
There were, again, lots of PBs, Medals of all colours and more than a few Speeding Ticketsfrom our swimmers. It was lovely to see the whole spectrum of swimmers from aged eight to seventeen - some just starting out on their swimming journeys, and others at the very
pinnacle of theirs.
As Mary has reported there were many great swims and we came away with 24 Gold, 16 Silver and 13 bronze medals. Special mention to Sofia Sanders 4 Gold, Lucas Stallard 3 Gold 1 Silver, Lucas Johnson 3 Gold 1 Silver and Georgie Arnold 3 Gold medals. Impressive swimming by everyone – please remember the harder you train the faster you will go!
It really is a privilege to be part of this club - everyone works together to bring out the best in each other. The swimmers compete with courtesy and dignity, demonstrating great confidence and endeavour and are a credit to themselves, their parents and the club.
Many thanks once again to our hardy group of travelling supporters, and our even more hardy coaches and team managers - you are amazing!
Thank you!
PS Our next club gala is the Mets Teams on Saturday 15th April at Adwick.

BML Division 2 Gala Round 1
On Sunday March 12th, Armthorpe Kingfishers travelled to Aspire, Pontefract, to compete in the first of this year’s BML Team Galas. This was such an exciting opportunity for all swimmers, but especially for our younger swimmers, some of whom were competing in their first ever Gala. The venue was amazing - a ten lane infinity pool within a lovely sports complex - but it was eclipsed by Armthorpe’s team spirit, endeavour and performance! Each was off the scale!
After 49 races, just under two and a half hours of swimming, with the result balanced on a knife edge, Armthorpe gained a brilliant second place with 134 points - just two points behind the winners. A remarkable result against three city teams.Very well done to all the swimmers, and a huge thank you to all the parents and friends who came to support and cheer on the swimmers; many thanks also to Wakefield for hosting the event, to our competitors from Wakefield, Sheffield and Barnsley, and to the officials. See you next time!
I have now reviewed the Gala times which are impressive with 52 PBs; so very well done to everyone. This is especially impressive when 32 legs of the relays started in the water, from which it is very difficult to PB from.
It is difficult to pick out individuals from such a good team performance but congratulations to Ozzie Ellis who went under 30 seconds for 50 Free for the first time and also Nic Honeybone's 25.78 also for 50 Free.
Age group 'Team of the Day' has to be the 12 year old girls team who came 1st in all but one race and that was a 2nd place, earning the club many points.
There were, however, a lot of DQs on the day we had 4, Sheffield 3 and Barnsley and Wakefield 8 which makes a big difference to the final points. I am pleased to say our relay teams didn’t have any “flyers” and this shows good control and discipline.
The points scores are accumulated throughout the season but for Round 1 were:
City of Sheffield: 136
City of Wakefield: 105
Barnsley Metro: 90
A good Team Performance. Well done to all!