Retro Gallery

Images from the past.

If you have any images from the Kingfishers Swimming past why not consider having them saved on the club website. 

Please contact us through in the the usual way.


Many many thanks to Betty Griffiths for her personal images of the early days of the Club

Any parents out there recognise themselves on these images?


Schofield Championships 1986

Yorkshire Team  Championships Free Style 1986

Yorkshire Team Championships Medley Team 1986

Images courtesy of Maureen Hardy

Doncaster Mets 1988 (tbc)

Doncaster Mets 1988 (tbc)

Press Coverage

We are The Champions

Armthorpe squad with a few faces still around today

Images courtesy of Vanessa Grant

Some lovely knitted Armthorpe swimming hats, leg warmers, scarves, all knitted on a knitting machine by swimmer Tracy Hank's mum


Images courtesy of 

Maureen  Hardy 

Schofield Championships 1990

Schofield Championship 1992 (tbc)


Malta 2001: 

Images courtesy of Nicola Louise Sanders

Press Coverage 2001

Press Coverage 2002 

Image courtesy of Nicola Louise Sanders


Images courtesy of Maureen Hardy

Bridon Shield Winners 2015 (tbc)

Junior Team 2017 (tbc)

Armthorpe BML Gala 2018 (tbc)


Images courtesy of 

Maureen Hardy

Emily Kirk & James Ellis photographed after the Yorkshire Championships October 2022  Ponds Forge Sheffield. 

Congratulations to Emily on her first appearance finishing a very creditable 11th Place. James on first place 50m Fly and 100m Fly

Schofield's Championships 2022 Junior Swimmers

Schofield's Championships 2022 Senior Swimmers

We are the Champions! 

Bridon Shield Winners 2023

Jacob Witts

Hearty Congratulations to Jacob on competing in the Yorkshire Junior Championships at Ponds Forge Sheffield

Club President Derek Fretwell

Derek had his 90th birthday this month. (May 2024)

In what decade do you think this photo was taken?

Do you have any retro resources relating to the Kingfishers Swimmming Club? 

If so we would love to receive and include on this page.

Contact us at