Competition Results & Reports 2024
Santa Splash
Leeds 2024

The Schofields
17th November
Adwick Leisure 2024
(Individual Race results are to be found on PDF format on our Facebook site)

A big thank you to all the volunteers who make the Club Championship such a success.
Your efforts behind the scenes are greatly appreciated
I would like to reiterate Peter Hardy’s comments - great swimming from all swimmers and thank you to all the volunteers, it wouldn’t be possible to run a successful event without all your help.
Yes a massive thank you to all the volunteers today - without you it wouldn’t happen! I was so impressed with all the swimming, Jennifer loved it and I definitely think we should see some more dancing on the sidelines - fabulous, welcoming and encompassing atmosphere! What a great team!
Lovely to see old & new faces today !
Well done to all swimmers, volunteers & supporters. You are what makes the club so brilliant to be part of xx
Ian: Referee
Pete: Club Chair
Ian: Referee
Claire and Viola
Raffle and Door
Nicola: Coach
Emily: Swimmer
Sandra and Nikki
Lee & Jonathan
The Team Meeting
Ian: Starter
Claire: Coach
Sandra and Kathryn: Runners
Duncan and Matt: Coaches
Keri Amy Kirsty: Medals Team
Sarah and Lee: Coaches
Ian and Matthew :Timekeepers
Kingfishers at the Schofields 2024
Harrison & Ray
Ray & Arthur
Lucas and Vlad
James, Lucas, Vlad, Lucas, Corey, Harris, Ben
Alex & Harrison
Alex Esme
Noah Stephen Alexander Jacob Rodger Alfie
Ben & Evie
Sofia & Aria
William and Paige
Jen Holly Ava
Doncaster Mets
5/6 October
Adwick Leisure 2024

Alex Blanchard
28th September 2024

BML Chapeltown
14th September 2024

Kingsley enjoying his moment on the spotlight
September Sprints
8th September 2024

Selection of shots of Kingfisher swimmers who represented the club on the day
Bridlington Seaside Special
July 12th 13th 2024
Amazing swimming this weekend from all the Kingfishers, loads of medals and pb’s. I’m sure Jonathan Tuffrey will add the detail. So proud of each and wverone of you A very well done to Jennifer, Emily, James and Stephen who swam the team 4x50 medley relay and came 2nd!!!!
Huge well done to all the Kingfisher swimmers & BIG THANKS & CONGRATS to ALL the coaching team for all the time they put in to instruct, encourage & support our kids in training & galas, which enables them all to keep smashing their p.b's & bagging medals.
Fantastic all round club effort
Another very well organised event from Bridlington Swimming Club, at a great facility and fantastic seaside view.
After Jorvik and a couple of BMLs, this was the 4th gala in almost as many weeks for some of our Kingfishers.
I think I speak for the rest of the coaching team, that it is incredible how our swimmers can keep churning out personal best times when races are so close together! We got off to a great start on Friday evening with Lucas going sub-20 minutes for his 1500m free.
On the Sunday morning session, up until almost the last race, every swim was a PB. There was a very relaxed atmosphere with our swimmers, nerves seemed to be under control and excitement and focus were the priority emotions, they were impressive all weekend.
It is very noticeable the quality of swimming at Armthorpe compared to the rest of the field; the underwater work from Jen and Emily was outstanding and a great example to the rest of our Kingfishers.
There were some stand out performances, the top one for me was Abi’s 100m breaststroke. It was one of the first races and seemed to set a precedent for the weekend. She absolutely smashed her previous best time and earned the well sought-after speeding medal.
Also a special mention to those swimmers pushing their limits and trying big events for the first time:
James 200m fly,
Ben G 200m IM,
Noah, Ben H & Ava 400m free,
Ava & Emily 200m breaststroke.
All tough events and well swum by all of them.
Every swimmer tried their hardest and really thought about their races ahead of the start. They put so much thought into applying what they learned in training and all of them listened to advice and feedback from the coaches. They were all a pleasure to be with, a credit to their parents and represented the club very well, thank you!
This year we also managed to get a relay team together for the Junior Medley Relay. The criteria was two girls & two boys with only one from each age group of 10, 11, 12 & 13 year olds. So we had Jen on backstroke, Emily on breaststroke, James on fly, and Stephen on front crawl. Out of 8 teams, including big city clubs like Bradford, Armthorpe came 2nd with a 5s gap ahead of 3rd! This really demonstrates the quality we have in our small village club, to be competing, and almost winning, at this level. Brilliant.
So a few statistics then:
16 swimmers
85 races
67 pbs
= 79% pb rate!!!
35 Winter Yorkshire Qualifying Times
10 Winter Regional Consideration Times
Fun fact: The Kingfishers as a whole knocked off a total of 445 seconds (or 7.5 minutes) from their previous best times!
Overall it was a fantastic weekend again and an event that would be good to keep on the calendar. Hopefully we can return with a senior relay team and a bigger contingent next time. Thank you to the parents for taking the time to travel, your spectating endurance and shallow pockets, and a special mention to Shannon Sanders for smashing out 6 hours in the gym both days to watch the swimming from the gym viewing gallery above the pool; best view in the house! Hope you’ve recovered by now! Lastly, and most importantly a massive thank you to the swimmers, who were all awesome!
Well done, great weekend.
Adwick Leisure Centre
Saturday 29th June 2024
Well… that was a humdinger of a Gala! Beautifully organised, well run and sealing a second, consecutive, hard won victory for the Kingfishers!
After last week, other teams were clearly out for revenge. There were definitely stronger teams fielded by some of our opposition, and this, together with five DQs for us (4 of which were in relays), meant that the result was going to be closer than last week’s… but this just added to the excitement, which had reached beyond fever pitch by the time the canon was raced. However, as always, our Kingfishers stepped up to the plate and winning, for a second time, came even sweeter.
The final scores for this Gala were as follows:
First Place Armthorpe Kingfishers 135 points
Second Place Barnsley 127 points
Third Place Chapeltown 116 points
Fourth Place Sheffield City 83 points
The cumulative scores for each team’s performance at this half way stage are: First Place — Armthorpe
First Place Kingfishers 281 points
Second Place Barnsley 247 points
Third Place Chapeltown 238 points
Fourth Place Sheffield City 162 points
This gives us a lead of 34 points - which we will be hanging on to, be in no doubt! Closer analysis by age group
1st 2nd 3rd 4th DQ
Age 9/10 4 3 1 1 3
Age 11/12 4 6 1 0 1
Age 13/14 2 3 4 2 1
Overs 4 4 4 0 0
Canon 1
Our “Open” category swimmers swam super well in this gala, especially given that many of this age group were at the younger end of the category. They are brilliant role models for our younger swimmers, demonstrating formidable levels of determination, effort and performance.
Our Age 11/12 Category swimmers performed particularly well, with their results placing them first or second in ten of their twelve races.
A special mention must go to our Age 9/10 boys relay teams, who had to swim their events on their own… with the pressure of everyone watching them! Well done, boys - this gave us eight valuable bonus points
Overall, there were an amazing 33 PBs - outstanding, given that 35 were also set the previous week. This illustrates the self-belief and the commitment of our swimmers to swim their hardest for their team. It is also testament to the skill of our coaches who willingly give of their time week in, week out, to bring out the best in our swimmers - and we are hugely grateful to them!
Many thanks, also, to all those who volunteered to support the gala by doing raffles, setting up and clearing away equipment, IT, timekeeping, officiating, team managing, announcing, spectating (and anything else I may have missed!), and, of course, to Pete and Maureen (and team) for their expert organisation! There is a lot of work goes on “behind the scenes” at events like this… and it is all done by volunteers to whom we remain very grateful.
The atmosphere at this Gala was fantastic and we so appreciate all the cheering and applause from our incredible band of spectators - it can feel a bit lonely when you are competing in your race - but hearing all the encouragement really lifts the spirits. Thank you!
The final two BML Galas are in September (14th and 28th), but before that, we have the “Seaside Special” at Bridlington on the 12th, 13th and 14th July, and the September Sprints at the John Charles Centre, Leeds, on the 8th September - we would love to see you there!
Ben and sister Evie at our home BML Gala
Miranda and Laura giving Aria some advice before the canon race
BML GALA 1: Dearneside Leisure Centre, Goldthorpe Saturday 22nd June 2024
This was an OUTSTANDING performance from the Kingfishers across all age groups!
The final results tally was as follows:
First Place Armthorpe Kingfishers 146 points
Second Place Chapeltown 122 points
Third Place Barnsley 120 points
Fourth Place Sheffield City 79 points
We had race / relay winners all over the place, with special mention to:
• our 10 years category - which, for many of our swimmers was their first BML Gala and many of them won their races and relays.
• Our “”Open” category swimmers, many of whom were aged only fourteen or fifteen and swimming against many older competitors.
The ten year olds got us off to a brilliant start, winning their first two races, emulated by our 12 and 14 year olds who came second in each of their first two races; like the “open” category swimmers, our 14 years category swimmers were competing at the younger end of their age group. Next year is going to be extremely exciting!
There were 35 PBs in total: 20 for the boys and 15 for the girls - which is impressive, considering that many of them got PBs at the Jorvik Meet only the previous week!
And… we actually won the canon - which counts for double points! Our relay performances generally, show the strength in depth of our team across the age groups. On average, across all races, we had twice the number of first and second places, compared with third and fourth. However - it is important to remember that EVERY point counts. Some teams did not have swimmers in every race, which put them at a disadvantage. Nine of our races had VERY close finishes, with seven between first and second place and two between second and third place.
Overall, our swimmers achieved
19 first place
15 second place
9 third place
3 fourth place
And we were first or second in 13 of the 17 relays
There were no “fliers” from our Kingfishers, and only two DQs (from our ten year olds). This made a BIG difference to the results as Chapeltown had four DQs, Sheffield had five and Barnsley ten.
Our performance showed discipline as well as the desire to win.
An all round SUPERDOOPER performance! It’s now all systems “go” for our next Gala which you will want to see! So we’d love you to join us for our “home” BML Gala at Adwick Leisure Centre on Saturday 29th June - warm up at 5.30pm.
Please register at Adwick by 5.15pm.
See you at Adwick!

The Jorviks
Saturday 15th June 2024:
Kingfishers on the road again…
Saturday 15th June saw us off on another adventure… this time, at the lovely John Charles Centre, Leeds, for the Jorvik Meet. It has been ages since our last outing at the Harriman’s in March - so we were hungry for competition.
We took a party of 29 Swimmers up the motorway on yet another miserable morning - no sign of “flaming June” anywhere to be seen… and, for those who had competed in the morning session, driving, heavy rain on the homeward bound journey was not part of the plan. However - spirits were very definitely not dampened. There were some OUTSTANDING performances across the range of age groups with medals, PBs and top girl/boy performances galore. The endeavour, enthusiasm and determination of ALL of our swimmers was thoroughly amazing. Nothing was left in the pool - and the outcomes speak for themselves.
There were 85 new PBs - with special mention to the following swimmers who achieved four or five PBs from their swims
Sophie Barley 5
Emily Davies 5
Rodger Murray 5
Miranda Burkill 4
Maisy Ebbage 4
Laura Garbacik 4
Millie Varley 4
Corey Edwards 4
Jakub Garbacik 4
Ben Gilson 4
William James 4
Lucas Stallard 4
Medals were awarded to swimmers who achieved a place in the first six. Overall, our Kingfishers achieved 98 medals:
31 Gold Medals
19 Silver Medals
16 Bronze Medals
12 Fourth Place
9 Fifth Place
11 Sixth Place
In an entry field of around 370 swimmers from 12 clubs across Yorkshire, competing over 50m in the four major strokes, and 100m IM - these are fantastic performances and we are extremely proud of everyone of our swimmers. The commitment they show at training, together with the skills and professionalism of our coaches and Team Managers, combine to produce swimmers who can perform at the top of their game whenever they are put to the test.
A special WELL DONE goes to the following swimmers who achieved a top three place in the overall age categories:
Rodger Murray - Winner 11 Years Boys
Emily Kirk - Winner 11 Years Girls
Jennifer Powell - Winner 12 Years Girls
Ava Burkill - Winner 14 Years Girls
Noah Burkill - 1st Place 10 Years Boys
Jakub Garbacik - 2nd Place 9 Years Boys
Laura Garbacik - 2nd Place 12 Years Girls
Aria Sanders - 3rd Place - 9 Years Girls
Sophie Barley - 3rd Place - 11 Years Girls
Our swimmers’ performances gained us another INCREDIBLE second place out of twelve teams!
Progress is not a straight line / one direction phenomenon. When performances dip, our swimmers have the resilience to persevere with their training, the patience to deal with disappointment, but most importantly, the confidence and belief to trust that their training will eventually pay off. As Adam Peaty wisely said… “whatever your end goal, enjoy the journey” - there will be ups and downs… but we grow as individuals when faced with challenges and adversity.
Once again, a HUGE thank you to all our swimmers, their families and friends, the coaches, team managers, officials and other volunteers - we could not do this without you.
Our next outings are both team galas:
Saturday 22nd June BML at Dearne Leisure Centre, Goldthorpe - Warm up at 4.15 pm Saturday 29th June BML at Adwick Leisure Centre - Warm up at 5.30pm
* Please register at the pools fifteen minutes earlier than the warm up times.
You won’t want to miss these team Galas - EVERY swimmers’ place in their races counts… so we need your support more than ever, as we aim to secure our BML League Two position for another year! The teams are displayed on our club notice board at Armthorpe.
Please note: training arrangements for these two Saturdays, for swimmers not involved in the BML Galas, are as follows
Saturday 22nd June 2.00pm - 3.30pm
Saturday 29th June - no training
See you at Dearne!
PS can you spot five musical links in this report?
North East Championships 2024:
North East Regional Championship
During February a few of our swimmers who had qualified for the Regional Championships competed at Leeds.
The swims were excellent and so our congratulations go to:
Lucas Stallard,
Miranda Burkill,
Jennifer Powell,
Laura Garbacik,
Jack Jones,
Millie Dey (top ten swim),
Sofia Sanders ( Silver and 2 top ten swims) and
James Ellis (1 Gold and 4 Bronze medals).
To simply qualify for the Regional Championships is a great achievement but to final and medal is tremendous.
You all did yourselves and the club proud.
Very well done!
Harriman's Meet
Adwick Leisure Centre
Sunday 24th March 2024:
The Harriman’s Meet, held on Sunday afternoon 24th March at Adwick Leisure Centre, was our THIRD inside the month ofMarch - so we’ve been very busy indeed. However, showing their typically positive and enthusiastic attitude, our cohort of 27 Kingfishers carried on where they had left off, with terrific
successes across the 10-15 age groups. The age groups were determined by age at 31st December 2024 - so many of our swimmers were swimming in an older age category. In addition to Armthorpe Kingfishers, Dearne Valley, Adwick, Doncaster DARTES and Edlington Stingrays were in attendance. There
were around 160 swimmers in total at the Meet. Many of our regular seasoned swimmers were in attendance, as usual, because they just can’t get enough, but this Meet is hugely popular amongst our younger, less experienced swimmers, and, for many of our contingent, this was their very first competition - and they certainly made the most of it!
Inspired by our trusty coaches and team managers, along with Adwick’s “feel good” play list, the transformation from “rabbits in the headlights” before their first swim, to the bouncy confidence demonstrated from there on in, was delightful to see, and it is very clear that there are some stars of the future amongst those “newbies”! Hopefully they will go from strength to strength. It wasn’t all plain sailing, but, as they say, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”.
With cut off points within easier reach at this gala, there were quite a few “speeding tickets” up for grabs - and they were grabbed with delight by swimmers, and often, but not always, prized above medals. There were PBs galore - especially for our newbies, who came away with a full set of official times. However, despite the previous meet being only a week ago, PBs were still being set by our swimmers.
In total, there were 60 PBs and 69 medals of varying colours:
Gold x 16
Silver x 23
Bronze x 12
4th Place x 7
5th Place x 6
6th Place x 5
A special well done to the following swimmers who achieved a top three place in all their races:
Jennifer Powell - two Gold and a Speeding Ticket
Sophie Barley - one Gold and three Silver
Maisy Ebbage - two Gold and two Silver
Lucas Johnson - two Gold and two Silver
Ava Burkill - one Gold and three Silver
Vlad Akula - two Gold
Ray Chapman - one Gold and three Silver
Laura Garbacik - three Gold and one Bronze
Mia Grant - three Silver and one Bronze
Emily Kirk - one Gold, one Silver and two Bronze
There were also some qualifying times achieved for October’s Yorkshire Championships, and other swimmers who edged ever nearer qualifying - we wish them luck in their quest. Club Rankings and Age Group Awards for Top Boy and Top Girl are not officially awarded at this meet, but scrutiny of the above list will provide some insight into who those swimmers might be. Many, many thanks again to all our swimmers, and to the Team Managers, Coaches, Officials and other volunteers who support us, without whom these competitions (and the training in preparation) would not happen. Thank you to Adwick for organising the Meet, and thank you, as always to all those parents, families and friends who come and support us time and time again - we are so grateful! Our next Club event is the Doncaster METs Teams, which will be held at Adwick on Saturday 20th April. This team event is competed for by Doncaster Clubs and comprises Freestyle,
Medley and Canon Team Relays across the whole range of age groups.
The teams are selected from age groups
9/10 years,
11/12 years,
13/14 years, and
15 and overs with age being at 31st December 2024.
The winning club is awarded the Bridon Shield. We are the current holders of the Bridon Shield, and it will take a superhuman effort for any other team to even think about getting it off us. So… you will not want to miss this!
Remember the date and come and support us!
Beverley Barracudas Spring Equinox Meet - Beverley Leisure Centre, Sunday 17th March 2024:

Worksop Dolphins Open Meet:
Ponds Forge Sheffield
Saturday 2nd March 2024
Yet again, our kingfishers did us proud. A team of 21 swimmers travelled to the International Olympic Pool at Ponds Forge, Sheffield on Saturday 2nd March 2024, for the Worksop Dolphins Open Meet. This was the first time we had competed in this meet, and a great opportunity to swim in a ten lane pool over a straight 50m, against some swimmers and clubs we had never met before.
It was another early start for many - still dark and, on top of that, cold, wet and miserable. However, undeterred and intrepid as ever, the Kingfishers did what they do best and “stepped up to the plate”. As always, their ambition, drive, spirit and commitment were OUTSTANDING, as was their team work and support for each other. This really is what grass roots sport is all about. We have some real champions of the future here, with some of our swimmers achieving Yorkshire AND regional qualifying times! Watch this space!
It was an ENORMOUS field of around 400 competitors from 17 clubs from all over the region. In many events there were upwards of 12 heats across the age groups, amounting to 120 swimmers! The 9 years female 50m freestyle event alone had 45 swimmers! An entry of 25+ was commonplace in the 9-13 age groups. Interestingly, there were more female than male swimmers at the event. Worksop, the hosts, won the club competition with 1453.5 points; Grantham were second with 893 points, and Ripley third with 730 points. Armthorpe were an extremely creditable ninth with 358 points - amazing for such a small club and small cohort of swimmers.
For most, it was their first experience of such a splendid venue, and of “long course” competition. Swimming 50m in one go, with no turns at the halfway mark, was quite daunting - and to quote one of our excellent team managers, some swimmers were heard to say “I thought the end was never coming” - but, come it did… eventually…bringing with it a whole new set of long course PBs to add to those already gained over “short course” swims. For some, it brought medals, although these were only awarded to the first three at each of A and B Grade events - so they were like “hen’s teeth”.
In total, Kingfishers won 41 medals: 13 Gold, 11 Silver and 17 Bronze!
So… Very Well Done to the following medalists:
Sofia Sanders 6 x Gold, 1 x Silver
Laura Garbaciuk 3 x Gold, 1 x Silver, 1x Bronze
Jennifer Powell 1 x Gold, 1 x Silver, 1 x Bronze
Lucas Johnson 1 x Gold, 1 x Silver, 1 x Bronze
Jack Collins 1 x Gold, 1x Silver, 2 x Bronze
Sam Fisher 1 x Gold, 2 x Bronze
Ava Burkill 2 x Silver 1 x Bronze
Stephen Tuffrey 2 x Silver
Noah Burkill 1 x Silver, 1 x Bronze
Jacob Witts 1 x Silver
Lucas Stallard 2 x Bronze
Ben Gilson 3 x Bronze
Maisy Ebbage 2 x Bronze
Miranda Burkill 1 x Bronze
A particular Well Done must go to:
Sofia Sanders who was the top female in the 11 years age group, and second top in the whole competition.
Laura Garbaciuk who was fourth in the female 11 years category and 12th overall.
As always - a HUGE thank you to all our merry band of spectators/cheerleaders - we couldn’t do this without you, and we recognise all the sacrifices you make to support your children, and us! And, of course, an even BIGGER thank you to our swimmers - who give everything and bring us such joy - THANK YOU!
Special thanks go to all our AMAZING volunteers:
* our coaches, who work so hard to get our swimmers ready for these competitions!
* our team managers who look after our swimmers, make sure they get to their races and collect their medals!
* our committee, particularly Mr and Mrs Kingfishers, Pete and Maureen
* our “back room staff” at the club who kept training going whilst we were at the meet
* the officials and technical support staff and centre staff, without whom these events couldn’t run.
It was a VERY long day - but so, so rewarding, enjoyable and worthwhile. We all do this for our children - because they deserve our best.
Our next scheduled event is the Beverley Barracudas on Sunday 17th March at Beverley Leisure Centre - you won’t want to miss it! See you there!
Remember, swimmers … Dream BIG, dream OUTRAGEOUS, and… SWIM FAST!
Yorkshire Championships February 17th Ponds Forge
At Armthorpe we have approximately 60 competitive swimmers, 12 of these qualified for the Yorkshires and six achieved top ten places. This is a tremendous achievement for a small club.. There were many good swims and Alexander Drury and Jennifer Powell both finalled with Lucas Stallard finished a creditable 12th.
Many thanks to Jon and Nicola who were team managers for a long day.
The 5 Armthorpe/Dartes swimmers all swam well achieving the following:
James Ellis, 3 gold, 3 silver 1 bronze two 4th places
Sofia, managed five top ten positions.
Jack Jones, Millie Dey and Stephen Tuffrey all competed well over the three weekends.
'Well done to the 7 Kingfishers who took Part in the Yorkshire swimming championships today, Jonathan Tuffrey and I thought you were all a pleasure to look after. It was the first time at the Yorkshires for all the them and some have never actually competed long course before.
Following on from warm up there’s were comments such as, ‘I thought the end was never coming’ so believe us when we say the size difference alone is a daunting prospect.
Every single one of them swam brilliantly and there were some amazing PBs. Special mention to the two swimmers who not only achieved amazing PBs, but made a final each.
Jennifer Powell 8th in 13 years 50m Backstroke
Alexander Drury 8th in 10/11 years 50m Breaststroke'
P.S I unfortunately missed a photo of Lucas Stallard
BML Individual Championships The Pods Scunthorpe 13th January
Meet Report
(Double click to enlarge)

A massive well done to the 18 Kingfishers who competed in today’s BML Individual Championships at The Pods, Scunthorpe!
There were countless PBs, medals and thoroughly outstanding performances from everyone!
The team spirit was, as always, amazing! Thank you to all those families who made the trip and supported so well in what was quite a strong field - we really appreciate it! Looking forward to our next scheduled Meet at the Dukeries Long Course Meet at Ponds Forge in March! Bring it on!
Junior Yorkshire Championships October 2023
Well done Jacob Witts!
tJacob swam in the Junior Yorkshire Championships in Oct 2023,